Can't set the random position for an Instance.

Hello everyone :slight_smile:

I’m trying to do my own whack-a-mole kind of game. I made an array of Vector3s with possible positions and randomising them to Debug.log works fine. I have an error though, when I try to use the random position when instantiating my prefab. Here’s my code:

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

public class pojawia_w_miejscu : MonoBehaviour {

	public GameObject zombiePrefab;
	pozycje pozycja = new pozycje();
    void Update ()
			Object zombieInstance;
            zombieInstance = Instantiate(zombiePrefab, pozycja.positions[Random.Range(0, 8)]);

And here’s an error:
No overload for method ‘Instantiate’ takes ‘2’ arguments
Pozycje is the class that has an array storing possible positions.

Just check the docs, Instantiate takes an Object, position and rotation:

static Object Instantiate(Object original, Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation);

you’re only giving the first two:

zombieInstance = Instantiate(zombiePrefab, pozycja.positions[Random.Range(0, 8)]);

So try:

zombieInstance = (GameObject) Instantiate(zombiePrefab, pozycja.positions[Random.Range(0, 8)], Quaternion.identity);

A side note: when you’re dealing with arrays/lists + Random.Range, let the max range be always array.Length-1 or list.Count-1 so that you don’t accidentally go beyond your array/list limit and get Index out of bounds exception.