Cant start AssetBundleAPI

When I load the AssetBundleAPI into unity, press play and then any “Download”-Button I get the following error:

“NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object”

What does it mean and how can I fix this??

I do realize that in the GameObject “StreamLerpz” the variable “Asset Bundle” (Inspector) is set to “None”.
Though I dont know whether and if so what to put there.
I have tried dragging the *.unity3d Assetbundle there, but thats not whats required.

The above error I had on my Windows PC (Unity 2.5, Trial Version, so Indie) because the var download: WWW will remain null
→ The loading of AssetBundles is not a Pro-only feature, is it??

On the Mac OS / Unity 2.1 (Pro) the mainAsset of the AssetBundle remains null, so in either way it doesnt work for me.

Any ideas?

Trial has no support for asset bundles, its a Pro only feature.

OK, but since I have Pro (2.1) on my Mac why does the mainAsset of the Tutorial remain null?

I didnt change the AssetBundles of the Tutorial, so it should work here.

You can easily fix this in the InstantiateResource script by turning making check for OSXEditor to also check for WindowsEditor.

We’ll have the example project folder fixed real soon.