I can’t submit a ticket about my forum post being deleted because the CAPTCHA wont load correctly.
Can someone please contact me as to why you deleted my question? I could not find a similar question in the forums so I can’t understand why it got deleted.
In your screenshot, is that what the captcha area looks like as soon as you load the form, or is it after you clicked the checkmark to validate you aren’t a robot? I just tried to use the form myself, and was able to load the captcha fine. What browser/OS are you using?
As for your Unity Answers question – the site is moderated by hundreds of community volunteer moderators (in fact, you yourself can become one if you so wish – take a look at the moderation guidelines) which is pretty awesome! Ideally, moderators will leave a reason but unfortunately it’s not always the case. Have you taken a look at the Help Room space? Give it a search, and if you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, I would recommend trying to post to the Help Room space. Take a look.