Cant submit a ticket

I can’t submit a ticket about my forum post being deleted because the CAPTCHA wont load correctly.

Can someone please contact me as to why you deleted my question? I could not find a similar question in the forums so I can’t understand why it got deleted.

Hi BrentMichie -

In your screenshot, is that what the captcha area looks like as soon as you load the form, or is it after you clicked the checkmark to validate you aren’t a robot? I just tried to use the form myself, and was able to load the captcha fine. What browser/OS are you using?

As for your Unity Answers question – the site is moderated by hundreds of community volunteer moderators (in fact, you yourself can become one if you so wish – take a look at the moderation guidelines) which is pretty awesome! Ideally, moderators will leave a reason but unfortunately it’s not always the case. Have you taken a look at the Help Room space? Give it a search, and if you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, I would recommend trying to post to the Help Room space. Take a look.

Hi Alice,

I only just noticed the alert on this post now. I have submitted another question. Hopefully this time it will be answered and not deleted.

I will link it here for reference as it is very similar to my first question.
