Can't update player position

Well, i saw the problem wasnt my last question so i will reedit this one. So i have a prefab called ‘block’ and i did attach a script to that prefab, and i wan’t the script to inlude the player prefab to. That works well, but when i try to access the player position, it will not update the position, even that ive got it inside of Update() function. Here is my code

//Get the player
var ply : GameObject;
//Grab player position
var plyPos = ply.transform.position;

function Update(){
     // Update each frame where the player is
     plyPos = ply.transform.position;

HERE is the problem. the 'plyPos' wont update to the current location... 


EDIT: I found a solution

//Get the player
var ply : GameObject;

   function Start(){
          //This is what you needed
          ply = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("Player");

    function Update(){
         // Update each frame where the player is
         plyPos = ply.transform.position;