Can't Upload Pending Changes - Says They're Unchanged

Catch 22.

I’ve got 11 files I need to upload from one workstation. I have two other Workstations in the building that I can confirm don’t have them and don’t have any edits to them. Some are new.

I’ve tried from both Plastic SCM Client and from Unity’s Plastic SCM tab to Check the files In both individually and collectively. The files are in Pending Changes in both the Unity Tab and the Plastic Client. I can see other recent changesets from the other workstations and download them. Up-To-Date Workspace.

My 11 files are shown as changed in the Unity Tab, but when I try to check each in, or them all, I get an Error Message saying “There are no changes in the workspace [path]”. So, I can’t upload them.

When I go to the plastic client and try to right click to manually check them out, it has no effect. When I try to check them in, I get the same error message with a nicer bubblier looking UI theme. Marvelous.

Meanwhile I tried making a brand new script just as a test to see if a file would upload or check-in de novo. Couldn’t upload that either.

I am running on only one main branch for our project, so it’s not about branches. I am sitting on the latest changeset along with my coworkers but I can’t upload.

What gives? How can files which are both new and changed be shown in pending but yet you cannot check in and get a no changes in workspace message? Why should my computer not have the authority to write a new change suddenly?

I have dug through many new settings panels in Plastic SCM - which I doubt is necessary since things were working fine til yesterday - but I did find many interesting features in checkboxes about file version control and whether to detect just timestamps or the full contents of a file. Those sounded fun but they didn’t work either and I still cannot upload.

I had trouble rolling back to boot. Plastic was angry that I moved one .txt file out of streaming assets over into resources. Claimed it couldn’t go back to a prior change set because a file moved. Correct me if I’m wrong, that file is on the cloud isn’t it? Go get it then. Why is that my fault? What is the cloud for if not for… that?

If I want to replace a file I should be able to. If I want to roll back to a cloud version and I deleted a file as a recompile test looking for dependency errors, why should I have to undelete the file instead of download it from the cloud again like Collab used to? I’m confused about that genuinely. The file exists, go get it. Stop putting it all on me.

Looking up advice I haven’t found my exact problem… not in the past 5 years anyway. I was dismayed to see a lot of answers being command line. Very confusing considering there’s a visual interface.

Anyway, I don’t get it. I was going good earlier this week, nothing “changed” on my end other than files I’m working on, really typical activity. Been on Plastic involuntarily for … most of the year now. Usually I don’t have problems like this, but then I do and they’re always frustrating like this, some infinite loop of ill conceived permissions that prevent any possibility of “someone making a mistake” –

Sometimes I want to deliberately override a script because I wrote a better version or made platform specific adjustments on another computer that supercede the original. This kind of overmanagement of my ability to take a risk with a repo is a bit unnecessary for me. I’m in a Studio with one or two other developers max, this isn’t some big department where you need to herd kittens to stop them from breaking your nightly build or something.

Supplementary Questions:

Did some database token get messed up? Should I somehow log out and back in?

Should I delete and redownload my whole project? Currently finishing up a huge .zip backup of it now.

Oy vey. Thanks.

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If we review the files that appear as “Changed” in pending changes, are they actually changed (I mean not just the file time stamp)?

If you try to checkin the changes via CLI, does the issue persists?
cm checkin --all

If you open a ticket at, we will arrange a meeting with you to debug your setup.

I don’t think it’s a database/server-side issue but a problem in your local workspace.
If you create a new workspace and re-download the project, most probably the issue won’t happen again.
Anyway, as I mentioned, it would be great to connect with you and take a look.


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