Can't use 'BitOperations' class

Hi, I’m using unity 2022.3.44f1 and I’m trying to use the bit operations class as mentioned above, but unity doesn’t detect such class, which is weird since it is supported since c# 3.0 can anyone offer any help?

My reading of the docs is that it is .NET Core, which Unity isn’t.

From here:

In contrast to (for example) the List<T> class:

so there isn’t a way to fix it?

It’s not in Unity presently so there isn’t anything to fix.

There may be a way to get the functionality you need by making or finding a compatible implementation.

Alternately if you just need one specific thing (like CRC or whatever), I would suggest finding some code on Github and see if it passes some kind of “yes, gives the right answer” test and use it.