Can't use Localization package with Collections package installed (Case 1265387)

Seems to be a conflict with NewtonsoftJSON package.

“com.unity.collections” has dependency on “com.unity.test-framework.performance” package
“com.unity.test-framework.performance” has dependency on “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json 2.0.0-preview”
“com.unity.localization” has dependency on “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json 1.1.2”

results in these errors:

Assembly 'Library/ScriptAssemblies/Unity.Localization.Editor.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Reference has errors 'Google.Apis.Sheets.v4'.

Assembly 'Packages/com.unity.localization/Editor/Plugins/Google/Lib/Google.Apis.Auth.1.45.0/Google.Apis.Auth.PlatformServices.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Reference has errors 'Google.Apis.Auth'.

Assembly 'Packages/com.unity.localization/Editor/Plugins/Google/Lib/Google.Apis.1.45.0/Google.Apis.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Google.Apis references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder, versions has to match. Assembly references: Found in project:

Assembly 'Packages/com.unity.localization/Editor/Plugins/Google/Lib/Google.Apis.Sheets.v4.' will not be loaded due to errors:
Google.Apis.Sheets.v4 references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder, versions has to match. Assembly references: Found in project:

Assembly 'Packages/com.unity.localization/Editor/Plugins/Google/Lib/Google.Apis.Core.1.45.0/Google.Apis.Core.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Google.Apis.Core references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder, versions has to match. Assembly references: Found in project:

Assembly 'Packages/com.unity.localization/Editor/Plugins/Google/Lib/Google.Apis.Auth.1.45.0/Google.Apis.Auth.dll' will not be loaded due to errors:
Google.Apis.Auth references strong named Newtonsoft.Json in a different folder, versions has to match. Assembly references: Found in project:

I’d like to use the Collections package as apparently that can boost performance of some other packages like sprite shape and 2d animation.

You should be able to use Newtonsoft 2.0.0. can you just upgrade it in the package manager? It should work…
I’ll bump the version in the next release

oh nice. I wasn’t aware you could do that.
So if I manually add “com.unity.nuget.newtonsoft-json”: “2.0.0”, to my manifest. Unity ignores other newtownsoft dll’s from other packages?

Seems to work though. Thanks

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Yes, its the standard package behaviour. The package defines the minimum version it needs.

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