Can't view inheritance,I can't examine Monobehaviour inheritance

I’m new to unity and C#. I’m following a tutorial to build a simple game and it’s telling me that I should be able to press F12 to view monobehavior inheritance. When I press it, nothing happens. Any help would be greatly appreciated :),I’m new to unity and C#. I’m following a tutorial to learn to build a simple game.

The tutorial says I should be able to press F12 to view the inherited functions of monobehaviour, but nothing happens when I try this. I have no idea what to do or if I’m just missing something very simple.

I think it has something to do with your IDE not being linked to unity correctly. Do you use Visual Studio as your IDE? If so this might help link to unity forum thread. However, this is a fix for Intellisense and not neccesarily a fix for the missing f12 functionality. I would still give it a try, and hope that it helps. If you have trouble viewing the link or if you do not want to click on the link, here’s the answer:

"Likely, if you have appeared here to this page you are having the problem I had for the past hour or so. Intellisense is not working in Visual Studio. Well lucky for you, I figured out the solution to fix this issue after searching the entire web. So you don’t have to search the web anymore, I will tell you how I fixed the issue.

Step 1:
Close Visual Studio

Step 2:
In Unity, go to Edit < Preferences < External Tools (left part of the Window)

Step 3:
In External Tools go to the part that says External Script Editor (this should be on which ever Visual Studio editor you are using (for me it defaulted to “Open by File Extension”

Step 4:
Make sure Generate all csproj files is checked, and Editor Attaching is checked

Step 5:
Open the C# script you were trying to open earlier

Hope this Helps

Currently using

  • Unity 2019.3.3f1 Personal

  • Visual Studio 2019" -DavidG_Fenex