I have a problem with the Canvas Component. When I add this component to my UI, buttons that are child do not work. If I deactivate the component in the game and activate it again, the buttons work.
If I now deactivate and activate Blocks Raycast in the Canvas Group component, the Canvas component does not work again.
Does anyone have the same problems?
I am using Unity 2021.3.8.f1 and in version 2020 I did not have these problems.
Just in case try downgrading to 2021.3.5. There are a couple of issues related to canvases and enabling disabling UGUI objects in the versions 2021.3.6-2021.3.8 (supposedly will be fixed in upcoming 2021.3.9), didn’t affect earlier versions of Unity 2021. If 2021.3.5 doesn’t fix it then it’s a different problem.
The symptoms mentioned in issue tittles where slightly different than what you are describing but I wouldn’t be surprised if the same underlying bug could express slightly differently depending on your setup. Especially since the description is often based on what the first reporter says which might not fully reflect every possible way things are broken.