We’ve got a very strange problem: the canvas of unity web players are cropped on our client’s Firefox (v3.0.4 and after upgrading to 3.0.5 too), but not on any other computers running Firefox (at the client’s offices, or on our computers). Has anyone seen anything like this?
Here is a test build:
You should be able to see the entire image and a frame around it, but on the client’s computer, it is cropped in from bottom and right, as in the screenshot below. As you can see in the screenshot, the monitor resolution and browswer window are plenty big enough to contain the full canvas.
In Unity, the disaster scene image and white frame are fixed-pixel size, while the brown border is made to flex with the canvas size, so it has scaled down appropriately for this smaller display, while the fixed-size image and frame have not.
I’ve checked the image/width dimensions in the html file and they are all correct (950x600). I tried increasing them, and the cropped size also increased, so it seems to be showing a percentage of the specified size. Anyone got a suggestion?