I am currently trying to make a menu system for my game that involves enabling and disabling blank images containing each menu.
Upon figuring out that I cant just disable and enable all the children without having to do each individual one, I then added a canvas group to each image, thus allowing me to control its visibility & intractability.
Though I ran into a snag with upon adding the component, I cannot click on the menu buttons anymore.
I went to this forum post and checked off the step by step list.
- Make sure the graphic has “raycastTarget” set to True.
- Make sure the button has its “interactable” set to True.
Done and Done
- If there's a nested canvas in the button's parent, that canvas also needs GraphicsRaycaster.

**Checked and Done**
And yes, I do have an event system, the Buttons were already working before I added the canvas groups.

But despite doing all of this, my buttons still cannot be hovered or clicked on. I honestly am not sure why this is happening, but am pretty sure its something really basic I am missing.