So I’ve been messing around with the pixel perfect camera in unity and I came across something, whenever I use the PPC then the pixels of my tilemap are fixed, but the canvas sprites are distorted while moving, and vice versa.
an example: This is what the option gear is suposed to look like:
and this is what it looks like when I move with pixel perfect camera(at least a frame of it).
The opposite is true for my tilemap, where if I have PPC enabled there’s no pixel distortion but if I don’t have PPC enabled the lines in the tilemap are inconsistent.
all of my sprites and tiles have a pixels-per-unit of 32, and there’s no compression, filters or anything like that.
I’ve tried like 5 different things that I found off the internet over like 5 hours and none of them work. I also looked up pixel perfect camera guide but that didn’t work either.
Considering I only started unity like a month ago I’m not surprised this is happening, but I need to fix this. If anyone has any suggestions please tell me, thanks