Canvas is very unresponsive on build after updating Unity 2019.4.9f1 to 4.27f1

As the title suggests. Unity asked me to update from 2019.4.9f1 to 2019.4.27f1.
After updating unity and updating my project. After building the Canvas elements like buttons and scroll rects are very unresponsive, for example, I’m tapping a button and the button would take 2-3 seconds to respond (get triggered or highlighted) After spamming the buttons to get feedback my phone would show a pop up “The app is not responding” and If I want to quit the app or ignore the popup. if I’ll ignore the popup my game would force close after a few seconds. The thing is while the canva’s buttons are unresponsive you can see the game run smoothly from behind, for example animations, frame rate, camera movement, looks like it works like usual and its not affected by the unresponsiveness of the canvas elements.

Any idea what might cause that?

What does the profiler say?

I can’t run the profiler on device, when I start recording my whole phone freezes

Hmm… bug report then maybe? Although best case scenario for that is you get a fix in a couple of months, if QA can be bothered to replicate.

I made a development build, profiler works this time.
So this happens after the canvas gets responsive again after pressing the button “CanvasUpdate.PreRender”

Apparently, it was an issue from my Phone side instead of the game’s side.