I have one project where my canvas has a couple of missing components, which appear to be the CanvasScaler and GraphicRaycaster components. These components do not appear in the ‘Add Component’ menu, either.
After a restart of Unity, I saw these messages in the Console, which I have to assume are related:
Asset '/Applications/Unity 463/Unity 4.6.3.app/Contents/UnityExtensions/Unity/GUISystem/4.6.3/Editor/UnityEditor.UI.dll' is in timestamps but is not known in guidmapper...
Asset '/Applications/Unity 463/Unity 4.6.3.app/Contents/UnityExtensions/Unity/GUISystem/4.6.3/UnityEngine.UI.dll' is in timestamps but is not known in guidmapper...
Does anyone know what’s going on here? I’m currently downloading the installer to reinstall Unity, but I’m not convinced that will work, because this is only happening on one project (I confirmed on other projects and these components are there and functioning correctly).
…the weird thing, even though I installed the new install to /Applications/Unity 464/ (I always keep old versions around), the error messages are still pointing to files inside Unity 463 (the previous version).
Have seen some issues relating to the UI Dll’s not being published on build for some platforms. Keeps getting fixed and still crops up occasionally.
A simple workaround is to copy the UI Dll’s from your install folder (Editor\Data\UnityExtensions\Unity\GUISystem<version>) to the Plugin’s folder in your project. Not nice but it usually works (don’t forget to remove them / replace then with a new Unity version)
Some searching for that error revealed that deleting the Library folder can fix this, and it seems to have worked. (sort of - the problem does still seem to be recurring at irregular intervals. Possibly source-control-related.)
Hello , i might be late for this. i also encounter this type of error so.
go to your Unity project Folder, then delete all the content of Library. (just to make sure back up the content of Library)
Unity Project\project_name\Library
then open your project wait for a while.
this is my first time to comment. hope i can help.
I’ve updated my project from 4.5 to 5.1 and I was getting this all weird errors, sprites lost, and UI scripts getting lost…
I even reinstalled unity.
Deleting the Library directory solved this problem. Now I have minor migration problems but this solve the bad ones.
I think this is an error that happens to people that have their project subversioned where we have the library excluded from the versioning… and when upgrading it gets messed up baddly.