Canvas scaler not scaling UI Text correcty. Please help.

The project has been at a halt for quite some time because of this issue; a solution will be very greatly appreciated.

Can someone help me ask a mod to delete this duplicate thread?

Thank you.

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@ryanawe - Hi, did you try “Best Fit” in text component? There you can set minimum and maximum size text can be, depending on the size of RectTransform.

@eses - This is my component.
Whether with or without best fit, the problem still persists.
Could you test it out for yourself and tell me if you find any solutions?

P.S. I am using a 16:9 aspect ratio, and I changed the screen size by resizing the “Game” window in the unity editor.

@ryanawe - did you try making min size and max size different? Now both are the same.

@eses - I want the font size to be consistent at 12 no matter how much text I put in the Text component. If there is too much text, I want it to truncate vertically. What values do I put in the min size and max size?