I had model that i export from blender to Unity in .fbx format. Because the game is a shooter I wanted to use capsule colliders and attach them to the bones of the model (and then check raycast there).
My problem is that when I added the capsule collider to the bone, it becomes really big, and I have to make it like a radius of 0.001 and a height of 0.00754. Im not very experienced on collider physics so Im worried that this is just too small and that it will cause problems later down the line on collision detection, etc.
I tried to create an empty object and add the component to this one, and I got the same. I re applied the scale on blender and re import it and I got the same. The only thing I got was to unparent the empty object and then re parent it, with this the capsule had more reasonable scale values but now the empty object was on a scale of 0.012, 0.012, 0.012.
My question is: Am I right in being worried about this scale issue? How should I approach this issue?
Thanks and sorry if this is too of a newbie question