Capsule Jumping on Combined Planes Without Mesh Renderer

Hey all,
I have a capsule with a collider and rigidbody. When I apply force, it sometimes jumps unexpectedly—only when using multiple smaller planes together. On one large plane, it moves smoothly. Also, I don’t want to use a mesh renderer for this setup.
Any ideas? Thanks!

One large plane with a mesh collider

Multiple planes placed next to each other, each with its own mesh collider

heroRB.AddForce(heroRB.transform.forward * verticalInput * forwardForce);

This is what I get on multiple planes

This is on a large plane

The manual mentions this behaviour:
A false collision generated at c0 causes the sphere to erroneously jump up instead of move straight forward.

It’s a known issue where a rigidbody will sometimes take off when sliding over adjacent geometry. So instead of sliding your character along the ground you can make it hover slightly above the ground. Or you can add a wheel collider to the bottom of it so then it’ll roll over the cracks in the ground.

I’ve had the problem with both discrete and CCD.
I posted some suggestions on handling these ghost collisions here (which links to another thread of suggestions):