
I’m having some trouble with the capsule colliders.

I have a single GameObject with a RigidBody and a CapsuleCollider in my subscene. Not using gravity so if I just run as is the entity sits still floating in the world.

If I grab the PhysicsVelocity component and set the angular velocity around y to math.pi/2, the capsule will slowly rotate clockwise as expected.

However if I change the size of the capsule to have a length over twice the radius, it spins anticlockwise instead?

i.e a capsule of radius 1 and length of 1.99 will spin clockwise, a capsule of radius 1 and length of 2.01 will spin anti clockwise.

It always spins clockwise if I switch of automatic tensor on the RigidBody

As far as I know, normal Unity Physic does not work in ECS. Could this be the reason?
Normally you use the Unity.Physics.

I’m using Unity.Physics to set the angular rotation on the ECS side. I’m using the “normal” physics components to bake from the sub scene only