Capsule's collider doesn't move

Hi, I’m struggling with Uinty DOTS and Physics, I made a controlled player that is subject to physics, the problem is that the capsule’s collider doesn’t move while the 3D model responds very well to physics as well as to my inputs…

    public void OnUpdate(ref SystemState state)

        foreach (var (playerComponents, localTransform, physicsVelocity) in SystemAPI.Query<RefRO<PlayerComponents>, RefRO<LocalTransform>, RefRW<PhysicsVelocity>>())
            ref readonly PlayerComponents data = ref playerComponents.ValueRO;
            ref readonly LocalTransform transform = ref localTransform.ValueRO;
            ref PhysicsVelocity vel = ref physicsVelocity.ValueRW;

            float x = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal");
            float z = Input.GetAxis("Vertical");
            float3 move = (transform.Right() * x + transform.Forward() * z) * data.walkSpeed;
            move.y = vel.Linear.y;
            vel.Linear = move;


Hey there,
I think that could be this Bug I’m observing:

For me, the colliders or widgets are not moving in the Scene view. But if you for example add another object that interacts with the first one, you can see that they are actually moving correctly, so it looks like a display issue for me.

That’s probably it, plus I hadn’t added soil to my subscene :sweat:
Thanks for your reply.

I asked on discord of Wayn Game Youtube chanel, thanks to him :

Just to clarify:

It’s a nice workaround, and you only need it on one Entity in the Subscene. But the bug remains. :frowning: