Switched to a Screen Space - Camera to try and work around the issue, to no avail, my new uiCamera does show up in the allcameras listing, but rendering it into a texture does not appear to give any results.
Exposed a couple problems that should be bug reports.
ScreenSpace - Camera + Reference resolution = some shall we say, non intuitive values output in the scales and Z depths of things.
Instantiating ui prefabs onto a screen space camera canvas causes problems that were not there when dealing with the ScreenSpace overlay mode, I now need to zero out the localPosition.z and set the localScale to 1 on all runtime prefabs that I add to the hierarchy.
So anyway, any other thoughts of directions to try for capturing the UI?
i 90% sure it a ordering issue in the render pipeline. The canvas doesnt emit its geometry at the proper times outside the render loop it will need to get fixed once a bug is filed.
I just ran into this bug today and boy was I surprised to find that it had been fixed in a patch release released TODAY. 4.6.2p1 worked perfectly for me. What perfect timing