Capturing the screen

I know how to take ascreenshot with the iPhone. What I’m asking is how to freeze the game like the game Zelda: Ocarina of Time does.
From what I understand this game does is that it captures whats running in a texture, disables those objects from rendering,places the texture in the background, and then displays the menu.

Is there any type of method for saving the screen to a texture?

Thanks in the future,

What many games do is they stop clearing the back buffer. You might be able to do this in the camera settings of unity but I dont know for sure and it may not work on iphone regardless.

I’ve not tested this myself, but if I needed to do this my first experiment would be to use:

Time.timeScale = 0;

… effectively freezing function Update() fixedUpdate() time?

Then I would check that if the GUI functions still work.

I’m sure someone here will tell us if the above will not work.
