Car driving through flag and the flag regenerates, not working

I am creating my first game in unity where the aim of the game is to drive a taxi around a city to a flag which generates at a random position in the map. When the taxi reaches and collides with the flag, the flag should be regenerated elsewhere on the map in order for a new mission to be started. I have written the script, however nothing happens when the car collides with the flag when I test it. What is the reason for this? I will post my script below:

using UnityEngine;

public class RandomObjectSpawner : MonoBehaviour
public GameObject objectToSpawn; // The object you want to spawn
public int gridSize = 100; // The size of the grid
public string carObjectName = “taxi1”;

private GameObject spawnedObject; // Reference to the spawned object

void Start()

void SpawnObject()
// Generate random coordinates within the grid
float randomX = Random.Range(0, gridSize);
float randomY = Random.Range(0, gridSize);

// Calculate the position in Unity coordinates
Vector3 spawnPosition = new Vector3(randomX, 0, randomY);

// Instantiate the object at the random position
spawnedObject = Instantiate(objectToSpawn, spawnPosition, Quaternion.identity);
Debug.Log(“Object spawned!”);

void OnTriggerEnter(Collider other)
// Check if the car (or another object with a collider) entered the trigger
if (other.CompareTag(carObjectName))
// Destroy the current spawned object

// Spawn a new object in a different spot

There are a few conditions:

  1. Both objects must have collider component
  2. At least one of the objects must have rigidbody component
  3. Both objects layers must collide with eachother in layer collision matrix(Edit/ProjectSettings/Physics)
  4. Object with OnTrigger function must have collider set to isTrigger

-if both objects have collider set to isTrigger it wont collide
-if trigger object has rigidbody you dont need to have collider on that exact object,
it can be a child gameobject with collider or multiple colliders at different positions
and they will all trigger the function in parent gameobject script