Car going backward

Hi all,

I’m designing a car game for a research experiment. When I run the code the car starts moving without pressing any button on the keyboard. It is controllable with keys but it goes backward. I also changed the orientation of the car and the wheels positions but it doesn’t solve.

Does anyone has any idea in this case?

using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;

public class SimpleCarController : MonoBehaviour

    public void GetInput()
        m_horizontalInput = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") * motorForce;
        m_verticalInput = Input.GetAxis("Vertical") * motorForce;
        //Debug.Log("Vertical Input: " + m_verticalInput);

    public void Steer()
        m_steeringAngle = maxSteerAngle * m_horizontalInput;
        frontDriverW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;
        frontPassengerW.steerAngle = m_steeringAngle;

    private void Accelerate()
        frontDriverW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput *motorForce;
        frontPassengerW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput *motorForce;

        rearDriverW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput *motorForce;
        rearPassengerW.motorTorque = m_verticalInput *motorForce;      

    private void UpdateWheelPoses()
        UpdateWheelPoses(frontDriverW, frontDriverT);
        UpdateWheelPoses(frontPassengerW, frontPassengerT);
        UpdateWheelPoses(rearDriverW, rearDriverT);
        UpdateWheelPoses(rearPassengerW, rearPassengerT);

    private void UpdateWheelPoses(WheelCollider _collider, Transform _transform)
        Vector3 _pos = _transform.position;
        Quaternion _quat = _transform.rotation;

        _collider.GetWorldPose(out _pos, out _quat);
        _transform.position = _pos;
        _transform.rotation = _quat;

    private void FixedUpdate()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Space) && !hasStarted)
            hasStarted = true;

        if (hasStarted)


    //could be modified by horizontal input
    private float m_horizontalInput;
    private float m_verticalInput;
    private float m_steeringAngle;
    private float currentAcceleration;
    private float currentBreakForce;
    public WheelCollider frontDriverW, frontPassengerW;
    public WheelCollider rearDriverW, rearPassengerW;
    public Transform frontDriverT, frontPassengerT;
    public Transform rearDriverT, rearPassengerT;
    public float maxSteerAngle = 30;
    public float motorForce = 50;
    public float acceleration = 100f;
    public float breakingForce = 20;
    private bool hasStarted = false;


I think you may be using Rigidbody on the car, that may be why the car is moving without pressing any button, if so go to the Rigidbody component and freeze the movement on x, y and z axis.

I tried that but after freezing it didn’t move at all even after pressing buttons