Car Movment Script not fully working!!!!!!!

I’m creating a kart game and when I stop the kart the wheel dont stop and the kart takes a very long time to stop and reverse

![alt text][1]

Im not sure why the wheels are moving so fast and not stopping when brakimh, car is going so slow and taking ages to go into reserve?

![alt text][2]

This is the code im using

      using System.Collections;
      using UnityEngine;
      public class Car : MonoBehaviour
          public float maxTorque = 5000f;
          public float speed = 5000f;
          public Transform centerofMass;
          public WheelCollider[] wheelColliders = new WheelCollider[4];
          public Transform[] tireMeshes = new Transform[4];
          private Rigidbody m_rigidBody;
          void Start()
              m_rigidBody = GetComponent<Rigidbody>();
              m_rigidBody.centerOfMass = centerofMass.localPosition;
          void Update()
          void FixedUpdate()
              float steer = Input.GetAxis ("Horizontal");
              float accelrate = Input.GetAxis ("Vertical");
              float finalAngle = steer * 45f;
              wheelColliders [0].steerAngle = finalAngle;
              wheelColliders [1].steerAngle = finalAngle;
              for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                  wheelColliders_.motorTorque = accelrate * speed * maxTorque;        }_


void UpdateMeshesPositions()
for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
Quaternion quat;
Vector3 pos;
wheelColliders*.GetWorldPose(out pos, out quat);*

tireMeshes*.position = pos;*
tireMeshes*.rotation = quat;*
P.S i have tried lowering damper to 100 and that hasnt done anything to fix it also my RigidBody mass is set to 100
Here is the [Unity File][3] if anyone wants to take a look
_[3]: Google Drive - Virus scan warning

Try increasing your max torque variable and on the wheel collider, also try increasing the stiffness of each of your wheels (something small, like 3).

This will make the car have more power and grip the ground better, however, it might affect the normal forward movement of the car.