Car Paint Shaders Asset - 2.0 LIVE

Howdy !
Car Assets is a package that contains photo realistic shaders, a lot of realistic effects and useful scripts for cars. We give you a lot of example scenes made from scratch to show you full potential of that shaders. We provide you with shaders for mobile and high end PC’s Car visualisations.

Our Main Goals
Create as close as it is possible Car Paint Material Shader that gives similar effects to poplar V-Ray rendering engine that uses Material Car Paint Shader. Our shader gives you really photo realistic car paint materials combined with realistic and efficient light techniques. It works realtime - it is very well optimised and as you can see in screens below give stunning results.

I would like to announce that Update 2.0 is Live.
Fix & Improvments:

  • Unity5 Support
  • Fixed Flickering Bug while Camera Rotating
  • Fixed Bug with Fog & Depth Of Field Advanced Shader
  • Added Decal with Alpha Channel Support
  • Optimised whole Shader now it takes 1 draw call
  • Fixed Issue with Shadows nowthey works correctly Simple Shader
  • Addeed Detail Textures (Flakes support)
  • Added Decal with Alpha Channel Support
  • Added Normal Map Slot Support
  • Fixed Issue with Shadows nowthey works correctly - Updated Documentation

Unity 5 Physical Based Rendering Assets:

  • 10 new Scenes showing full potential of PBR & Unity5 Rendering
  • HDR 32-bit studio cubemap texture - Normal Map Texture for Ground Distortion
  • 50+ PBR Materials
  • Two Custom PBR Car Shaders that base on Standard Build in Shader
  • 3 new Car Animations - Script for Controling Camera Realtime Reflection Probe
  • Custom Made Lookup Texture for Vintage look
  • Lighting, Camera Deffered HDR Rendering & DX11 Image Effects using Unity5 new features settings - Learn How To Achive High End Visusals in Unity5 using latest features.

Update 2.0 Video
Note that video & all screens below are made without any PostProduction in 3rd party software this Images are raw Captures from Unity5.


Tutorial & Showcase

Mobile Realtime Demo

Version Changes:
a) Update 1.1 and 1.2

  • Added new materials
  • Fixed bugs and some script issues
  • Added video movie.
    b) Update 1.3
  • New interior with detailed dashboard, new interior materials and design
  • Fixed error with building player
  • New interior screenshoots and car paint screens
  • new car paint material preview scene
  • TUTORIAL VIDEO and showcase
    c) Update 1.4
  • Added Texture slots for all shaders with alpha channel. Now you can Add custom tilable texture into your Car or create dirt layer with alpha mask.
  • Added two custom textures carbon fieber and dots pattern all tilable
  • Created two custom Materials as an example of carbon paint material and dot paint material
    d) Update 1.5
  • Added Shaders Support for Unity 5
    e) Update 2.0 on the top


Documentation - a lot of useful information and technical tips
Asset Store Link - link to Store with all asset to Unity3D

Shaders (More details in documentation)

  • Advanced Car Shader (works with on mobile device really fast)
  • Simplified Car Shader (works with on mobile device really fast)
  • PBR Shaders based on Standard Build-In Shader for HDR Lighting


  • Autofocus Scatter Depth of Field script (focus using build in image effect dog scatter in centre of your screen)
  • Smooth Camera Script (smooth camera rotate script you can see in the video)
  • Explode GameObject Part Script (very useful tool for quick objects animations - define you initial and final position, rotation or scale and set hotkey click play and watch it in action)


  • Light Flares (pre made prefabs - really nice looking effects)
  • Camera Light Shaft (cheap and efficient screen shaft you can define color and size)


  • Intro Animation prefab (drag a prefab in to your project and set easy to use nice intro for you game or project)
  • uSequencer cinematic prefab animations you can see some of them in video (requires uSequencer)


  • High quality model with detailed interior made from scratch - 400k triangles


  • What do you think ?
  • Do you have some future ideas ?
  • Share your opinion with us !

About beffio company


1 Like

Looks very nice indeed but can I ask what all the .asset files are in the package, there are a ton of them all with numbers for the filename and extension of .asset.

Could you please post screenshots of the interior? Aside from that it looks awesome!

Howdy !

This .asset file are small files that generate uSequencer. That particular “.asset” files are part of prefabs that I give you with this package. Prefabs in uSequencer are cinematic animations that I made - you can see them in video. If you are interesting how that animation looks you will need to buy uSequencer and use my prefab files. Size of that files are very small bcs this is just some float data.

Yes of course atm interior in package look a little bit more flat but I made an update (you will need just to tweak materials from my shader package) and It will look like this after update. The main part of this asset was exterior and that shader that we wrote its really amazing how beautiful metallic material paint with flake layer you can achieve with it.

Updated Interior version 1.3 below.

Wow. Unbelievable.

Hi there thank you. Right now we are working on small tutorial and in-depth showcase right from Unity. We want to show everyone what can you achive with that asset.

This is an amazing model … you’ve done a great job! I saw this right after it arrived in the store and I immediately put it on my shopping list.

However, with the outside looking so good, I’d have to agree that the inside needs some luxury attention. I realize that sort of thing could get a little crazy, but maybe some small things (like optional contrasting door panels, chrome bits, lighting on controls, etc.) would help without being too work intensive.

I can only support that :slight_smile: Instant purchase if the interiour gets tweaked a little.

Hi guys. Right now We are working on tutorial to show you whats going on with this asset.

If you want better interior - you will get it. In update 1.3 We are going to give you model with interior improved. I think thats going to happened in few days.

PS We made two extra videos for Unite 2014 with more smooth overview of car. You can see them below.

1 Like

Hi there good news !

»» Update 1.3 is live

  • New interior with detailed dashboard, new interior materilas and design

  • Customers would like to see better interior and as we said here it is !

  • Added new prefabs with light flares

  • Fixed error with building player

  • New screenshoots and car paint screens

  • New car paint material preview scene

  • Tutorial & Showcase video

New Video Tutorial & Showcase

New Detailed Interior and Car Paint Material Screens


That exceeded my expectations! Super job! Now the car has an interior to match.

I’ll definitely pick this car up!

Thanks hopeful !

Everything looks wonderful, but there isn’t much information about performance on mobile devices. Also there isn’t a demonstration of simple shader. Can you please test with a lower poly car, and a mobile device (android, ios or windows phone, slower phone is better) and record the performance with a camera or with fps display. We are targeting mobile platforms, and there will be lot’s of more stuff in screen other then the vehicle.

How do you compare your simple car shader with “Car Paint Mobile Shader Pro” asset on performance and quality?

nice Update and explode scripts is awesome man.

Hi Meceka we are going to make for you some quick video on mobile device. Our Simple Car shader will be definitly faster and even will have better visuals on mobile comparing to other shaders. You will see all in the video. That going to happen in few days.

Thanks Play_Edu. Yea explode script is very useful and easy to use for simple and quick animations.

PS We release few days ago our new asset called Geometry FX Particles with bunch of useful effects. Maybe someone will be intrested.

Have a nice day !

Hi, congrats on the quality, it looks so good, i was impressed but i have a question, what does it mean wen you say that the advanced shader isnt affected by light, what i can understand is that it needs to pre-render light maps, it means that the shader will not be affected by the lights in the track or if is night and day light?

Hi there, thank you. Thats not exactly how it works.

We have prepared here very efficient and optimised technique which will be very fast even on mobile. That technique using a textures to fake a light, so you don’t need a real physical lights to create highlights etc. What does it mean ? We have two slots in shader one of them is lookup texture which create a faked light from that texture (that texture has been pre rendered in 3D software vray) and cubemap texture for reflections. So if you want to simulate that car is night environment or daylight you have to tweak colors of material to fake a overall brightness, that is advanced car paint shader.

Simple car shader don’t create a light from texture so its affected by light and still have nice reflections. So if you need to have something that needs to be affected by light that should be simple car paint shader from our pack.


Hi there,

We listen customers so they would like to see realtime video on mobile and here it is !
We made a Car Paint Shaders Asset - Realtime Demo recorded using iPhone on middle class Android device (yea that sounds weird :slight_smile: ).
As we said shaders works really fast on mobile devices even with that high poly car model. This demo on mobile device had all the time around 56-60 FPS so its really good achievment. Video below shows you some car exterior body elements and interior dashboard etc. Have Fun !

Mobile Realtime Demo ~60 FPS


Amazing. Love that details.