Please add the mobile controls to the pack – that’s the only thing keeping me from purchasing.
Just made a very basic touch input controls for driving and steering.
Sent out emails to who requested.
Touch area is new to me, looking forward to explore more this topic and develop complete controls.
Thats great! I already purchased, but would greatly appreciate this update!
the update v1.1 is live on the Asset Store.
Edited the first post.
Update contains:
- New four door vehicle.
- Updated Controller to switch between Car Prefabs.
- Updated Controller to auto-flip car after crashed.
- UV textures for both cars.
- Camera Controller to change view options.
- Updated Color Customization.
Future To-Do list, thanks for your suggestions!
- Car AI with waypoint system.
- Touch controls.
Hi! The asset is compatible with this?
And other question.
I can change the car by a kart.
You will add Respawn car System?
- Respawn when you the car out the career.
- Respawn when the car stays down mouth.
There are a car flip function when car is stuck on the roof up side down
and when a car falls out the map, it is put back to start position.
WoW, good, thanks.
The latest question.
Do you will add powerups on new updates?
Do you mean like speed boost/nitro?
I could add that to To-Do list,
currently working on:
- Touch on the new Unity GUI.
- Car Controller AI with waypoints.
Yes, I say speed boost and nitro and if is posible oil in the ground so that the car skidding.
You can add this ideas to futures things for updates?
Thanks for ideas, looking forward to add them, after Mobile and Unity5 support update, would be great together with AI.
Thanks. I will buy your asset.
studying and building touch input for the asset,
onGui for 4.3 users and later adapt to new 4.6 uGui.
onGUI work in process example for Android - download here (.apk file, 11 mb)
AI looks like a great start! Can’t wait to try out the mobile controls when finished.
Works well on acer iconia one tablet! The initial loading time is very long, but the rest works well - framerate is between 40 and 60.
I purchased the other day. Works great so far. Looking forward to seeing the updates with touch controls and basic AI tests for other vehicles.
Hi, thanks and I’m happy it works great.
onGUI Touch will be ready soon, I want to add AI to the mobile test, they now avoids obstacles and can control different cars, like Player’s CarController does.
Hope to wrap this up till tomorrow and continue work on uGUI and Unity5 support.
Submitted an update to Unity:
- Mobile Touch controls (onGUI).
- Car AI with waypoints.
New Webplayer DEMO with AI.
Mobile test for Android - download here (.apk file, ~11 mb).