Car Setup for PlayMaker [ PC, Mobile - AI ]

the new pack (v1.2) with Touch* and AI is available on the Asset Store.
Thanks and have a great day!

*! EDIT:
There seems to be a bug with the Mobile pack zip included, it can’t be opened.
I am uploading the asset again with corrected zip.
To get it asap, please contact me.
Sorry for misunderstanding!
Bug - zip turns out in multiple folders instead of unity package.
It happens when the .unitypackage file is zipped directly, to avoid that place the .unitypackage in a folder and zip the folder instead.

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^ it is fixed and a live @AssetStore

Coming up in the next update:

  • uGUI controls for Unity 4.6+
  • Unity 5 support


  • gameplay features (oil spill, fuel, coins…)
  • improved AI
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Great! Keep up the good work. Really enjoying the asset and all of the improvements!

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Hi, Reporting in,

Here are demos with Unity 5 and new UI.
This is still work in process.

Contact me on support email to get the pack ASAP (without PDF docs at the moment)


Looks great! When do you think you’ll have this updated in the store?

I think about the end of the month, need to finish it and then the submission time 5-10 days.

The game looks great! One question before I purchase…does the game or AI have the ability to turn it into a demolition derby type game? Thanks.

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Hi, by default it is a racer type setup, but can be modified so targets are other cars instead of waypoints.

Asset update for Unity 5 submitted for approval.

Contact me on support email to get the pack ASAP.
Direct link to video.

If a waypoint or target is behind the vehicle, will it reverse, or will it attempt to steer around and drive towards the waypoint / target?

Also, any chance for the AI vehicles to drive through the loop?

In this setup car will brake and reverse when an obstacle is straight in front,
if there is space, will turn around and drive towards target.

AI physics are same as player so they would go through, not tested yet, now I am interested in that too.

Hi, Unity 5 pack is available @AssetStore

[!] Downloaded a test and “Project Settings” won’t import while still on the list.
I don’t know yet if this is changed now or it’s a bug,
if you encounter this, download here Project Settings files needed for the asset.

Great asset, will there be an update with the right Project Settings included ?

Question: I want to test one of the cars in my own environment, how can i do that ? I tried the prefabs but the keys don’t work.

Hi thanks,
yes there will be an update later with Project Settings included and with new gameplay features.

To add your environment:
copy “CameraController” and “START” game objects from “Game” scene to your scene,
go File>Build Settings, delete Game scene from list and add your scene to the list (should be with index 2).
To test it, open Load scene and Play

İf you add driving sound , sliding and car crash sound it will be better.

Hi, I have it on my to-do list. Will include it in the next update in June. The update will be for Unity 5 version.

Doens’t works properly with Unity 5.1 :

The UI, the driving car (not A.I witch works) doens’t works.

Just downloaded latest Unity 5.1 and it works all good.

Please check if you have imported PlayMaker uGui pack and Project Settings files needed for the asset.