Hi all!
I’m trying to do a car suspension using the physx joint… the hinge stuff is ok, but I got an issue on a ‘coliover’ creation:
I’m trying to use a ConfigurableJoint, limit the movement only to slide and set Spring and Damper force…
but is not working properly…
what are the measure unit for these settings? should be Nm for the spring and Ns/m, but I’m not able to mantain a 1300kg car with 4 coilovers…
Yes, units are Nm and N/m/s, but configurable joints loose their rigidity when attaching bodies whose masses are of different orders of magnitude. For example, a joint attaching 1000 Kg with 20 Kg will be “springy” no matter the values used.
You may increase the physics calculation rate by configuring a lower fixed timestep. This is in Project Settings > Time > Fixed Timestep. Default rate is 50 Hz (0.02). I’d try with 250 Hz (0.004).
but doesn’t work: is strange, 'cause in my test I use a mass of 1200kg, supposing to have the cog exactly in the middle of the wheels, I got a Force on each wheel about 2950N:
I suppose with the car in idle mode to have a compression of 75mm, that should be a Spring force like 39000 Nm
If I put this setting, to have the suspension compressed about 75mm, I need to lower the damper value, but the car goes bouncing…