Car Tutorial don't work on unity 3.0 pro

I’ve a lot of problems with shaders and script compilation…

When the updated version of car tutorial?

A few last minute things prevented me from getting the updated car tutorial out for 3.0… next week hopefully.

Hey aNTeNNa,

Thanks for all your amazing work. I’m trying to fix the Car Tutorial Shaders to work on Unity3, but seems I’m haven’t got the shader skills required. Do you have any updates to share on the Car Tutorial or the Car Tutorial Shaders? I’d really appreciate some help here.


I’ve saw the car tutorial link under unity 3.0 tutorials but it is the version for unity 2.6…

It is a error?

That’s the new version… just pushed it live this afternoon. The old one was 115MB, the new one is 212MB.

but I’ve the same problems of old version… and the file into zip is called “Car_Tutorial_2-6” (the same name of old version)

where I wrong?

Looks like our cache hasn’t been flushed yet. Sometimes it takes a while after an update to the resources section.

There is purple object in new version of the Car Tutorial when the scene with alternate physics is loaded.

From what I can see the new one is still not yet up on the site… give it a little longer. jeffmorris, just to confirm, the version you downloaded is still 115MB right?

just to confirm:
i downloaded now using the New Button with 212.0 MB info, and the file is still 115MB.
i used this link:

PS. Thanks for your work friend :wink:

Yes the version downloaded from new tutorial link is 115 Mb

The file size of new version is 211.0 MB and I got that file instead of old version.

jeffmorris this is a strange problem I tried in this moment from the link “” and the file is 115Mb!!! (old version)

A my friend has tried the download from another computer and he has the same problem…

Please can you check the link?

Maybe the browsing history in web browsers needs to be cleared. I don’t know why I get 211MB file while other people get 115MB file. I clear the browsing history every week.

I’ve flushed my browser cache but the problem persist.
Have you tried to download the file from office intranet? or from external net (like ADSL)?

Sometimes the download from intranet can create these strange problems.

Can you try to change the file name of the new tutorial (example:

I’m getting the 115mb too. Perhaps changing the name like italianjob suggests would help.

Just tried it too, 115mb.

Which tutorials are updated to Unity 3?

Yes, guys, this is an issue with Akamai who handles our content delivery servers. Sometimes it takes a while for their system to flush properly when new versions are uploaded.

This is not a local problem with your browser cache.

We’re trying to manually flush it right now… and please realize that we’re doing this on a Sunday night :wink:

That’s why we love you guys :smile:

Now to figure out these new features and additions and convert my project to Unity 3.