I have a script to make the front wheels on my car move forward but when they spin around it z axis goes from 0 - 180 and they turn back the other way and I cant work out why it is doing that?
Here is a gif of my problem that im having.
I added the script to gokart3 Imgur: The magic of the Internet

This my c# code
Well for starters I’d be using a WheelCollider.
It looks like something funky is going on with gimbal locking/scale in the heirarchy.
Try changing your code to this:
public Transform[] wheels;
public float wheelsRotationSpeed = 2f;
Quaternion[] originalRotations;
float rotation;
void Start()
for(int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
originalRotations[i] = wheels[i].transform.rotation;
void Update()
rotation += Time.deltaTime;
for(int i = 0; i < wheels.Length; i++)
wheels[i].transform.rotation = originalRotations[i] * Quaternion.Euler(rotation, 0f, 0f);
thanks for the help
I gave that a go but got this error with no wheels spinning at all
and I also get the error
Oh whoops, add this to Start, before the for loop:
originalRotations = new Quaternion[wheels.Length];
ok I think that works now but the only problem is the wheels turn very very slowly no matter how high I set the wheel rotation speed
Sorry, wrote it in the forums editor.
Multiply the Time.deltaTime by the rotation speed:
rotation += Tmie.deltaTime * wheelsRotationSpeed;
thank you finally got it working