Hi there,
I need to be pointed in the right direction. I have seen a demo which was configured as follows:
- Android phone + Android app installed on the phone which was using the cardboard SDK
- Web application, which detects connectivity to the phone (the phone and computer have to be connected to the same LAN for this to work) - similar to how WhatsApp for web works.
- Once connected, on the web app you can control which 3D content to show on the phone. The Web interface is a combination of standard (looks like Node.js) web technologies and a Unity plugin. You can see on the screen what the user sees on the device via a small screen with low quality resolution. You can also control the scene directly - such as time of the day, number of people etc.
My question is: does anyone know how to put something like this together? How to start/stop the content shown on a mobile via WEB via unity? I don’t need full solution, but at least to be pointed in the right direction/technologies.
Thanks and I hope this helps someone else too