I do have a problem about transportation of a box in moving truck. Both of my objects (truck and cube) has rigidbody and other neccessary compenents (colliders, wheel colliders, box colliders etc). The problem is, if I start moving my truck, cube just stays where it is and when it crash to behind of truck it moves in container. I need a relative velocity. So for example if a bus moves in 80km/h while you are sitting or standing in the bus, also you move with it. Only in sudden movements, your position may change.
In the game, I do have enough friction (static and dynamic combined). I have also tried it with several joints, but I could not get a good result. Would you please clarify a way me to solve it? Is there any script for that or, do I have to use combined joints? I have also tried fixed and spring joint, but results are not well.
Best Regards, Deniz