carrara fbx export ...... no animation in unity

i did a animation in poser, import it in Carrara pro 7, everything is fine. and did a fbx export from carrara into unity ( trial version ),
but the problem is there is no animation , only the mesh .
appreciate if someone could advise.

In DAZ site , it is written that Carrara Pro can export the FBX geometry only

i see… tks albertoT.
any recommendation of which programs has the best
fbx export into unity ?

this is a key issue also for me, being new to Unity

May seasoned Unity users suggest a low \ medium price animator for Unity ?

Honestly I hate Blender because of its non intuitive workflow

An alternative could be a converter
For example Carrara 7 Pro export everything in .x file format

The point is that there are many converters but most of them are not reliable, at least from my experience

Any suggestion ?

Thank in advance

Well, I like Blender so can’t help you there…

Alternatives might include Maya, Cheetah3D (Mac), and Cinema4D. Max also works, although I think you need to make sure you have the right export settings (search for past threads).

This is also the 3rd or 4th thread on this topic in the past week or so. Try using the search function next time.

On Windows Fragmotion + whatever you want to get FBX
On Mac I’m definitely a fan of Cheetah3D

I normally use Fragmotion , the point is the “whatever you want” :smile:


Maya and Cinem4d are not cheap, while cheetah is only for MAC

If you have mac and don’t want to spend a large amount of money, then I recommend Cheetah. Otherwise, get Cinema 4D R11. It has an almost perfect pipeline to Unity.

Thanks, I use window

Cinema 4D has a good reputation and it is not that expensive but I am interested in animation only, not modelling
Does anybody know a good converter , from .x to FBX to Unity3d ?

By the way I know that Unity3d supplies also a built in animator package which has been temporarly disabled in the 2.5 version

Can you also rig your character ?
If so , my problem is over

has anyone try xsi ? does it has a fbx export to unity? tks.

Then get Cinema 4D. :smile:

I would HARDLY call the animation editor in Unity an animator package. It was designed for very simple PSR keyframe animation. The docs even say that it’s only used for animation if your 3d package doesn’t have animation support. Things like a cube moving from point A to B and a head turning are perfect for it though.

They’ll replace the animation editor in either 2.6 or 3.0 which is good. I just hope it has support for facial animation and an animation library with a preview window that can view a specific model and be able to play animations in the library for that model’s rig. That would be awesome. :slight_smile:

The real way to do it is make the animations in your 3d package and export the rig to Unity and control your animation through low level scripting.

You can rig your character in your 3d package. You can then import the rig (the bones actually) into Unity and use them with animation files.

Good luck with Unity! :stuck_out_tongue: