Carry over Sound when Switching Cameras?

It’s a little hard to explain, but what I am trying todo is carry over a “song”/sound file when I switch cameras.

Incase you need to know: I’m using ScreenWipe:

and this is my actual Switching Camera Script:

var camera1 : Camera;
var camera2 : Camera;
var fadeTime = 5.0;
private var inProgress = false;
private var swap = false;
function Update () {
	if (Input.GetKeyDown("space")) {
function DoFade () {
	if (inProgress) return;
	inProgress = true;
	swap = !swap;
	yield ScreenWipe.use.CrossFadePro (swap? camera1 : camera2, swap? camera2 : camera1, fadeTime);
	inProgress = false;

Any help is appreciated, I’m sorry if I didn’t word this correctly. Thanks in advance!

Make a new GameObject. Add the music to this GameObject and set the 3d pan level to zero. All of your audio listeners (on your cameras) within the range will play the music