Carrying Score over to another scene

So far i have a score system that works and a timer that counts down to zero, all working fine. What i want to happen is once the timer reaches zero the scene fades out and then fades in to another scene where the players final score will be displayed. Also at the moment the players score is shown in the top left and i would like it so on the final scene it moves to the center and becomes bigger making it easier for the player to view.

I have no idea where to start for this. I know that i can use Application.LoadLevel somehow but not sure in what context. Any ideas of what i need code wise? also in c# if possible

well I use playerprefs or static variables to use things in between scenes

(i only know how to do javascript)

so make your points like:

//first script where your points are on

static var points : int;

//access on some other script


and then load level is super easy, you just add it to build settings and use either its name or its number in the build settings list:

Application.LoadLevel (0);