Hi, all! I was just wondering if any of you had some tips/tricks/tuts up your sleeves for modeling / texturing more ‘cartoony’ style things. Any time I look up PS tutorials it’s usually for photo manipulation and not for 3d modelers / artists.
I really like the look of the BitGem products on the Asset Store. It seems the magic in these things really lies in the great texturing. Try as I might, I struggle to create a cartoony look in my texturing. Any advice? Thanks! - YA
Most people have moved on to a 3d painting workflow to achieve cartoony texturing. You can do it in photoshop, but it’s MUCH easier to do in in a 3d viewport. ( I recommend 3d coat - nearly every game modeling/texture artist Ive met have switched to it in the past year and a half for the great painting workflow that it possesses.)
Anyway, here’s a few links that should get you started.
As the guy above said there is a great tutorial on 3Dmotive.But I have also found some great freebies on polycount. http://wiki.polycount.com/TexturingTutorials (Scroll down to painting stylistic textures)
In case you use blender there is a timelapse video on youtube showing the process ,not a step by step guide but I liked it .
I’ll leave this link aswell : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrApuPOayoU
Have fun painting .
The blender guy also has a video in his channel detailing how you can set up blender to do seamless texture painting. It’s sweet once you get the hang out of it!