(Case 1089149) [Polybrush] Failed to paint vertex color

I try to paint the ground but nothing happen. What I expect is when I paint the ground it should at least change the color.

Actual result

Expected result


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So, probably the vert cols are being stripped on import or the shader isn’t supporting vert colours. Or maybe it’s just all Unity’s fault (blame LeonhardP) :smile:

I have a problem with Vertex Color paint on Polybrush too.
I have a material with a shader configured using Shader Graph (HD Pipe) to use Vertex Color (simple Lerp between two color in the R channel)… when i paint the same message appears and the object become all black… sometimes it works for some seconds, and then go black again.
I think Vertex Color Paint is not reliable at the moment… at least using shader graph shaders.

Could you submit a bug report for this issue please :slight_smile: