(Case 1180716) Expanding [SerializeReference] in Inspector causes Editor freeze

Having copied the example snippet for the new [SerializeReference] feature from:

Creating a child<>parent relationship through the [SerializeReferenceAttribute] causes the Unity Editor to freeze, when trying to expand it in the Inspector.


  • Open attached project

  • Right-click in project window and choose “Create > Some Thing”

  • Select “New Some Thing” in project window

  • Click from main menu “BugReport/Populate Selected Some Thing”

  • Hold down the ALT key and click the foldout icon to expand “Trees” in the Inspector

Observe Unity freezes.

Unity should not freeze.

4917125–476204–SomeThing.cs (1.16 KB)

QA was able to reproduce the issue and it can be found in the issue tracker now:

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This is marked as fixed in 2022.2, but it’s present in 2022.3 LTS.