(Case 1256947) Significantly longer scene load times on Oculus Quest in 2020.2.0a15


Has anyone else experienced significantly worse load times in Oculus Quest builds in 2020.2.0a15? Or in 2020.2 in general?

Just putting this out as a warning for other Oculus Quest Developers as we have had to backport our project to 2020.1 beta from 2020.2 alpha due to this.

Refer to my other post in the 2020.2 alpha forum for more info


Same here. The loading time went from 0.5~1 seconds to almost 20 seconds on Android.

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I have a separate post about it here, hoping it will be sorted out soon!

Issuetracker for this problem here also, please upvote if you have this issue! Unity Issue Tracker - [XR][Quest] Significant increase in async scene loading