Hi. As a title said, float16 mesh does not work with built-in Projector component.
New 2019.3 mesh API (setting vertex attributes and data buffer) has huge potential for optimizing memory usage of meshes. It can be used for per-mesh fine tuning (different with Vertex Compression option in PlayerSettings, applied to all meshes).
But many of Unity features doesn’t work with float 16 mesh. Projector is one of not-working features.
Protip; don’t use the projector. It’s implemented horribly. Every single thing it hits is redrawn, so you double the draw call cost for everything it hits.
I received the response with solution, thanks Unity!
The problem is that my float16 mesh has 4 elements position (half4) and its 4th element is set to 0. But projector shader expected that 4th element will be 1.0 (if the mesh has 3 channel position, Unity fills 4th element as 1.0 automatically). So if you create 4 channel positioned mesh manually, should fill its 4th element as 1.0.