(Case 1262574) Graphics.ConvertTexture produces gray image always

Using Graphics.ConvertTexture to convert a texture from any format to a ARGB32 or RGBA32 texture, produces a gray image always. I haven’t tried other target formats.

If anybody knows a workaround, please let me know.

The provided example calls Graphics.ConvertTexture on every texture found in the “Assets/Textures” directory and stores the result in the “Assets/Textures_Converted” directory. The results all appear in solid gray, but should appear having the same checkerboard pattern like the source textures.


  • Open attached project
  • Look at textures in “Assets/Textures”
  • Press from main menu “BugReport > Convert Textures”
  • Look at textures in “Assets/Textures_Converted”

Notice all textures are solid gray.

Converted texture should have a checkerboard pattern.

6082065–660051–Case_1262574.zip (96.3 KB)

Thanks Peter, the issue has been reproduced and is with the team: Unity Issue Tracker - Textures become gray when they are converted with Graphics.ConvertTexture


The report is already a victim of spam. Can you remove that? :slight_smile:


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The spammers flooded the report again!

PS: Checked a few other reports. The public issue tracker actually turned into something more like a spam database. It’s crazy! :hushed:

The public issue tracker has been a spam haven for years now. Nothing new there.