I’ve noticed shadow popping when shadow cascades are in use in 2020.2. Shadows beyond the first shadow cascade exhibit popping behaviour in scene or game camera. I created a video contrasting the behaviour with 2020.1.3f1, which behaves as expected:
This behaviour only seems to occur with large shadow casters that extend past multiple sides of the camera frustum. The parts of the environment in the video linked above that exhibit this behaviour are all a single mesh, for example.
I’ve created a minimal repro project here: ShadowTest.zip - Google Drive
To reproduce issue with the provided project:
Open ShadowTest scene
Select camera and align scene camera via GameObject → Align View to Selected
Note that only the first cascade of the cube’s shadow is visible in the scene camera:
Select the cube and uniformly reduce its scale until the cube’s bounding box is only overlapping one plane of the camera’s frustum.
Note that the cube’s shadow shows properly:
Edit: Filed as case 1276894