(Case 1341687) AddressableAssetSettings not persistent ("Strip Unity Version from AssetBundles")

The options Strip Unity Version from AssetBundles and Disable Visible Sub Asset Representations were added to Addressables 1.18.9. Changing these options is not persistent. The changes are lost when restarting Unity.


  • Open attached project
  • Select Assets/AddressableAssetsData/AddressableAssetSettings.asset
  • Change “Strip Unity Version from AssetBundles” in Inspector
  • Change “Disable Visible Sub Asset Representations” in Inspector
  • Restart Unity

The “Strip Unity Version from AssetBundles” change is lost.
The “Disable Visible Sub Asset Representations” change is lost.

Changes to AddressableAssetSettings are persistent.

QA was able to reproduce the issue, great job!

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Easy to fix, just add [SerializeField] on m_DisableVisibleSubAssetRepresentations and m_StripUnityVersionFromBundleBuild in AddressableAssetSettings.cs