(Case 1368517) TextMeshPro "Character Set" setting not persistent

Unity 2019.4.20f1, TMP 2.1.6

The “Character Set” setting found in the “Font Asset Creator” window does not persist.
It changes to “Unicode Range (Hex)” each time the window is opened.


  • Select TMP font in project

  • Click “Update Atlas Texture” in Inspector

  • Change “Character Set” to “Characters from File”

  • Click “Generate Font Atlas”

  • Close window

  • Click “Update Atlas Texture” in Inspector

The “Character Set” setting no longer is set to “Characters from File”.

The selected “Character Set” setting is saved when clicking “Generate Font Atlas” and restored when opening the window.

The Unicode Range should match exactly the set of characters that are contained in the font asset. This is just a different way to represent the same set of characters.

Any specific reason you still want to see it as individual characters instead of ranges?

Thank you for the reply.

I don’t want to see it as individual characters, I want that the “Character Set” option is saved and restored when I reopen the font asset.

Right now it always selects “Unicode Ranges (Hex)” and I have to switch the option to “Characters from File” again before updating the atlas texture. Please watch the video that’s attached to the bug-report for a full description of the issue.

Did the additional information help you to understand the problem, @Stephan_B ?

Clearer now. Thank you for submitting the bug report. Will take a look as soon as possible and follow up shortly thereafter.

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