(Case 1370072) Bake NavMesh/Occlusion deletes Addressable AssetGroup entries

Baking Occlusion Culling or NavMesh causes Addressables to delete entries from existing AssetGroups.


  • Open attached project from bug-report Case 1370072

  • Open “Window > Asset Management > Addressables > Groups”

  • Expand “R > level > level_00 > R-level-level_00-navmesh” and select the entry that’s in this group

  • Open “Window > AI > Navigation”, switch to the “Bake” tab and press the “Bake” button in the Inspector

The entry from the AssetGroup “R > level > level_00 > R-level-level_00-navmesh” is removed.

Addressable AssetGroups stay intact when baking NavMesh and Occlusion data.

QA was able to reproduce the issue, thank you!

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I’m curious what’s your use case for having parts of scene a separate explicit entries? Normally you would add the scene itself as an entry. In that case having baked assets updated shouldn’t break anything.

  • Making use of the incremental build pipeline, so only content that actually changed, needs to get rebuild and repackaged. The fewer things need to be build, the faster the build is.

  • To avoid that “unrelated content” is pulled in for no good reason.For example, if I change a value on some GameObject, I don’t want to force users to download all lightmaps or OcclusionCulling data again. I want users to download the necessary/changed data only.

  • UnityWebRequest does not resume failed downloads. So if a large bundle is downloading and user loses connection, the download is started over once they regain connection. This is a problem if the bundle is really big, but not so much of a problem when using more but smaller bundles.

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