(Case 1415209) OpenXR menu overlay from Quest 2 pauses rendering of background app view + Head track

Wondering if anyone else had noticed this or if it’s just me being the only developer to try using OpenXR on the Quest 2?

When using Oculus plugin on the Meta/Oculus Quest 2 and you press the Oculus button to open the Oculus menu overlay, the application still renders behind the menu popup so you can move your head around the 3d space you were stood in within the game with head tracking

With the OpenXR plugin, doing the same thing gives you a frozen frame (without head tracking) of the last thing you were looking at in the game and if you move your head around, that static frame is stuck in your view behind the menu which is very nauseating.

I have reported this at
(Case 1415209) [VR][Quest 2][OpenXR] OpenXR menu overlay from Quest 2 pauses rendering of background application

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I’m running into the same thing. Any progress on your end? This wasn’t a problem on my 2019 build

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i agree with thatnugget, i also have the 2019 model. no issues on that either

I just started fresh projects from scratch in both 2020 LTS and 2021 LTS and the frozen/locked environment rendering while bringing up the Oculus menu is only occuring on the 2021 build.

XR Interaction Toolkit
XR Plugin Management
Oculus & OpenXR plugins

empty scene with XR origin rig and teleport locomotion

Any update on this, I am using 2022.1.20f1… Anyone from Unity can comment on this? Also, I can’t seem to find the bug you submitted on the issue tracker…?

I did receive this back in August saying it was fixed. Check your package versions maybe? I haven’t used the plugin on Quest 2 in a few months tbf.

Hey ! I don’t know if it is a good practice, but setting the Active Input Handling System to “Both” under “Other Settings” in the Android player tab fixed the problem for me. (I’m running Unity 2021.3.16, with XR Plugin 4.2.1, XR Interaction Toolkit 2.0.4, OpenXR 1.5.3 and Input System 1.4.4 - as dependency)

Facing this issue as well in Windows. Using OpenXR, the camera no longer renders the scene when the headset is kept idle. What would an alternative be?

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Didn’t work for me :frowning:

Any luck figuring it out?