Hi community people, i wish to know:
is there a way to “cast” gameObject’s 3d coordinates to screen position? i mean, i want to make a GuiTexture arrow that appear at the border of the screen, if my target is out of my camera view, that inform me in wich way the target is. like a pseudo-radar.
Have you looked at Camera.WorldToScreenPoint ?
damn it! you are right!
Thank for your answer MartinB. cheers.
No problem! I donno about how speedy that one is though, but if you only have a few arrows or maybe even just one, I guess it’s just perfect for it
May I see the code you are using to calculate the angle the arrow will move to point to the target? I am trying to do something similar but my math is screwy.
sure! maybe i could post it on unifycommunity.