[2021.3.7f1] I have a problem in HDRP 12.1.7 with shadow casting. As you can see the light casts a strange shadow around the player object.
What is the problem? And what could be the solution??
this is a bug I reported a while ago, unfortunately still not completely fixed.
If you still want to use High quality shadow filtering and somewhat workaround this bug, then use cascade blending (heavily).
You also need to check the shadow smoothness value (only available in high filtering), the smoother you set your shadows, the more severe this issue will become.
Shadow smoothness for directional light is controlled by the the light’s Angular Diameter parameter
Thanks for hints and the quickly response
Yes, I tried with High quality in shadow filtering option and setting the Angular Diameter to a little value, but the result is a really pixelated shadow. So, also for better performance, I prefer using Medium quality
It shouldn’t be pixelated, make sure “update/refresh” mode is enabled in the scene view so shadows can be denoised, to see how it would look in-game.
And check the high quality shadow settings in your directional light (blocker samples, etc) increase them if necessary
High filtered shadows also rely on Temporal AntiAliasing, it helps fix the pixelated look or any noise so you might have to use that as well if you want High quality shadows.
Its one year later and I just posted a thread because im having this exact same issue, I just found this thread now and your shadow bug looks exactly the same as what im experiencing, but its in a Build only for me.