Want to learn C# and shader scripting in Unity? Prefer text tutorials? You are in the right place!
Catlike Coding’s Unity C# and Shader Tutorials
The creation of these tutorials is funded via Patreon. It’s like Kickstarter or Indiegogo campaign, but ongoing. If you enjoy what’s available now and want more, please become my patron!
These tutorials provide an introduction to working with Unity.
Pseudorandom Noise
A series about generating and using pseudorandom noise.
Procedural Meshes
A series about generating procedural meshes.
Pseudorandom Surfaces
A series about generating pseudorandom surfaces.
A series about creating small game prototypes.
A series about controlling the movement of a character.
Object Management
A series of tutorials that deals with creating, keeping track of, saving, and loading game objects.
Tower Defense
A series about creating a simple grid-based tower defense game.
A collection of tutorials that cover the creation of flow effects, like water surfaces.
Mesh Basics
An introduction to procedural meshes. From a simple grid to deformable balls.
Custom SRP
A collection of tutorials about creating a custom scriptable render pipeline in Unity.
A series about understanding Unity’s rendering pipeline. How a mesh turns into pixels that look like real objects.
Advanced Rendering
These are tutorials covering more complex or specialized rendering techniques, going beyond Unity’s standard shaders. They build on the work done in the Rendering series.
Hex Map
A series about hexagon maps. Lots of strategy games use them.
Marching Squares
A series about drawing and reconstructing shapes using a 2D grid. Why not Marching Cubes? Because the concepts are the same for both 2D and 3D, and dealing with two dimensions is already complex enough.
Found these tutorials useful? Want more? Become my patron via Patreon or Ko-fi!
(What follows is the original first post from more than a decade ago.)
Hi! I made a very basic C# text tutorial: Clock, a Unity C# tutorial. It’s aimed at people who want to learn to program in Unity. It’s a first draft. Feedback is appreciated! I’m wondering if there’s interest in this kind of tutorial, as opposed to video tutorials. If there is, I’ll make more.