Cave Rescue

Hello, at the moment i create a new project calld Cave Hero. It is a clone from Atari from the 80s with the Name H.E.R.O.
At first i have build in in 2D, but then i changed the view to 2.5D.

What is in the game now:

  • flying character
  • drob the bomb
  • destroy the wall with the TNT

What i must do:

-bonus when i have collect/rescue the cave man
-collision myself with the TNT
-time bonus
-enemies like spider, bats…
-light switch

little update, energy bonus and score inside now…

cool gameplay.

thx gameseizer_00

New update.

Update, first level done!
Playable on top link!

Reminds me of old-school pitfall graphics (in a good way). :slight_smile:

Yes, it is the same company :wink:

Now the first level and the main menu is done, so you can play better again and again the level. Now i am working on more levels.

Hiya Train,

Just noticed that the power is going down even while not using the chopper. Is that intended? E.g. just standing still will deplete your power eventually.


Yes in the original is this the same. It is the energy from the Hero.
I must change`d the game name to Cave Hero, the other name is on iTunes online.

Now you can play 2 levels. Have fun! Click!

You have a very tall forehead :stuck_out_tongue:
Really liking the look of this game! Looks amazing!

Big brain you know :stuck_out_tongue:
Thx for playing. The 3nd level is 80 % done!

Congrats! It’s very cool! Nice to see something like atari again…

Thanks for playing. Here are now 4 levels playable and 2 bugs fixed. The helicopter and the shot sfx is now more retro. Click!